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Reference calibration rig for oil products flowmeters

Kalibrieranlage für Durchflussmesser

Our Engineering Company designs and manufactures  standard metrological equipment for calibration and testing of instruments  for metering of flow, amount of fluid, liquid hydrocarbons and gas of all types and  principles of operation

 معايرة عداد التدفق ، معايرة عداد المياه ، اختبار مقياس الجريان ،نظام معايرة متر التدفق

This equipment is widely used in petrochemical industry and is intended for  calibration and testing

of volumetric and mass flow meters, variable area flow meters,  nozzles, orifice plates, piston provers,

standard vessels and tanks, and also instruments  for metering of multicomponent multiphase flows.

Our Equipment is not serial and is made under individual projects In accordance with international standards

Flow calibration rig

             If you are interested by our equipment, please contact us on an e-mail:

   office@ets-engineering.company    office.ets.engineering@gmail.com

+7-917-882-19-07, +7-927-241-35-79 (mob./WhatsApp)

With respect and hope for mutually beneficial cooperation, 

Nikolay Komissarov, General Director Metrology Systems Engineering Company

 General Director 

Nikolai Komissarov

Calibration rig for flowmeters

Calibration Coriolis flowmeter KROHNE Optimass 6400

Flow calibration rig

flow calibration systems


hot water meter calibration

Equipamento de calibração de fluxo

Banc d'étalonnage de débit

Calibration of flowmeters and liquid meters

flow meter calibration

 flow meter calibration system

   معايرة عداد التدفق ، معايرة عداد المياه ، اختبار مقياس الجريان ،نظام معايرة متر التدفقمعايرة عداد التدفق ، معايرة عداد المياه ، اختبار مقياس الجريان ،نظام معايرة متر التدفق     калибровка Promass Micro Motion CMFHC Optimass Rotamass

Калибровка Woltman

standard fluid flow measurement

calibração de instrumentos de vazão calibração de medidores de água

Calibration Rig  for oil products flowmeters

Calibration Rig  for oil products flowmeters


Kalibrieranlage für Durchflussmesser für Ölprodukte


Plataforma de calibración para medidores de flujo de productos petrolíferos

Flow meter calibration test rigs

Flow Meter Calibration Rig

flow meter calibration

Pumps block

mnemonic scheme

mnemonic scheme

flow meter calibration

calibration verification testing  flowmeter

Flow meter calibration standards

Control panel water meter calibration

Control panel flow meter calibration

standard fluid flow measurement

PLC Beckhoff

PLC Beckhoff

Reference master flowmetersReference master flowmeters

Clamping device flow meter calibration

Reference master flowmeters

Clamping device water meter calibration

Calibration test rig for flow meters

Flow Meter Test Rig

معايرة مقياس التدفق

معايرة مقياس التدفق


Pulsation Dampener

Pulsation DampenersPulsation Dampener


Pulsation Dampener

Flow meter calibration test rigs

If you are interested in our products and services, we ask you to contact us by e-mail

 office@ets-engineering.company    office.ets.engineering@gmail.com

+7-917-882-19-07, +7-927-241-35-79 (mob./WhatsApp)

        With respect and hope for mutually beneficial cooperation,

                  Nikolai Komissarov

                   General Director